Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми
- differentiation, differentiated education, model of the technology of differentiated classroom education, system-technological approach to differentiation of education, pedagogical conditions of differentiated classroom education 1
- digital model of a deposit, digital model of an opencast, record-keeping of mining, count of deposits, mined rock, ore content 1
- ecologic cost, accounting, analysis, industrial enterprises, ecologic obligations, environmental activity 1
- ecologic-economic management, production wastes, actual operations, classification, estimation, calculation, accounting, audit 1
- economic mechanism, economic efficiency, mining cost, mining complex, economic advisability, resources estimation, economic value of iron ore 1
- emission policy, emission securities, Initial Public Offering (ІРО), transparency, post-emission strategy, financial communication 1
- expenses, the income, the centre of responsibility, transfer pricing, the analysis of expenses and incomes 1
- ferruginous quartzite, industrial reserves; geological and economic assessment 1
- folk prose, Nizhni Naddnieprovie, creation, development, original, regional 1
- food security, state regulation, indicators of food security, threats, food products 1
- forms of reorganization, equity capital, redistribution of ownership, corporate rights, net assets, conversion, modeling of equity capital accounting 1
- fuzzy information, processes, adaptation, Petri nets, identification, software 1
- information system of marketing, research of the market, forecasting of demand, requirement, optimization of the suppliers staff, decision support system, database of marketing 1
- insurance, accident insurance, system of working place accident insurance, (insured) risk, professional risks, efficiency of the working place accident insurance, efficiency of the expenses for the working place accident insurance 1
- inventory management, logistics management, sales channels control, the theory of active systems, the theory of hierarchical games, the theory of illegible multipliers, resources allocation mechanism, stimulation scope, range of stimulation, region of compromise 1
- investment resources, criteria, effectiveness, discounting, investment sources, iron-ore enterprises 1
- iнвестицiйнi ресурси, критерій, ефективнiсть, дисконтування, джерела інвестицій, залiзоруднi пiдприємства 1
- M. Hrushevsky, collection, collecting, collecting practices, identity 1
- managerial accounting, internal control, expenses, sparing production, quality costs, a measure of cost, the risk of cost overruns, the risk of unreliable information, the risk of corporate fraud 1
- open mining technology, system of development, components and criteria of develop-ment, technological processes, and competitiveness 1