Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми
- fuzzy information, processes, adaptation, Petri nets, identification, software 1
- information system of marketing, research of the market, forecasting of demand, requirement, optimization of the suppliers staff, decision support system, database of marketing 1
- insurance, accident insurance, system of working place accident insurance, (insured) risk, professional risks, efficiency of the working place accident insurance, efficiency of the expenses for the working place accident insurance 1
- inventory management, logistics management, sales channels control, the theory of active systems, the theory of hierarchical games, the theory of illegible multipliers, resources allocation mechanism, stimulation scope, range of stimulation, region of compromise 1
- investment resources, criteria, effectiveness, discounting, investment sources, iron-ore enterprises 1
- iнвестицiйнi ресурси, критерій, ефективнiсть, дисконтування, джерела інвестицій, залiзоруднi пiдприємства 1
- M. Hrushevsky, collection, collecting, collecting practices, identity 1
- managerial accounting, internal control, expenses, sparing production, quality costs, a measure of cost, the risk of cost overruns, the risk of unreliable information, the risk of corporate fraud 1
- open mining technology, system of development, components and criteria of develop-ment, technological processes, and competitiveness 1
- principles, system, public service, public administration, state service, local government, rule of law, equality, personal responsibility, integrity, client-orientation, efficiency, openness, accountability, good governance, international standards, countries of continental Europe, countries of the Anglo-Saxon legal family, Ukraine 1
- professionally-oriented teaching, pedagogical conditions, foreign language communicative skills, future specialists in the field of Economics 1
- realization of human and citizen rights, patient, patient rights, defects of medical help, legal responsibility of medical workers, methods of protection of patient rights, nongovernmental organizations specialized on patient rights protection 1
- reforming, teachers training in France, professional competence, scientific research activity 1
- region, food market, milk and milk production market, effectiveness of industry, dairy catlle, regional peculiarities, economic relations, co-operation, integration, state regulation, strategy 1
- relaxation, culture, function of culture, social technology, means of relaxation, individual relaxation, collective relaxation 1
- religious norms, religious and legal systems, source of right, religious relations, mechanism of the religiously normative adjusting, functions and social value of religious norms 1
- spline function, delineate objects 1
- stock market, complex system, nonlinear dynamics, correlation, Hurst exponent, long time memory, random matrix, multifractal analysis, wavelet transformation 1
- tax system, profits tax, tax load, the optimisation of profits taxation, financial results 1
- the account of extraction of ores, decision support system, production control, digital model of a deposit, digital model career, scoping, the software 1